E-commerce Insights

Our thoughts on e-commerce, technology, Shopify and design. Actionable advice to grow your business.

Apple Watch and the Future of e-Commerce
apple watch

Apple Watch and the Future of e-Commerce

Years ago, when mobile apps were first starting to be developed, no one believed that mobile shopping would take off. According to the skeptics, the screen was too small, it was too hard to enter payment and shipping information via an app, and consumers would never adopt the behavior.

iOS7 PSD Templates

iOS7 PSD Templates

Everyone is going iOS7 crazy. Hate it or love it, we will need to design for it. Here are a few iOS7 PSD Templates to get you started. Use them to prototype designs, create mockups, wireframes, or whatever the kids do now-a-days.

iOS 7 PSD Icon

iOS 7 PSD Icon

Apple’s new icons in iOS 7 are getting some mixed reviews. But you cannot argue with the fact that it is radically different from iOS 6. Especially the icons. Apple used a universal grid system for developing all of the icons to make them more uniform.


New Apple Homepage Slider

Apple just released iOS7, Mac OSX Mavericks and a preview of the new Mac Pro (as well as a whole bunch of other updates.) They also updated their homepage with a new homepage slider. The slider has some full width images and a thumbnail navigation on the bottom that is revealed on rollover.

New Apple MacBook Features Leaked

New Apple MacBook Features Leaked

In addition to Intel’s Ivy Bridge processors for all new Apple MacBook models, highlights include up to 8GB of RAM and up to 512GB of SSD storage for the MacBook Air, and up to 768GB of storage for the MacBook Pro.

Smart TVs and what they mean for web design

Smart TVs and what they mean for web design

Ever try visiting a website using any of the major browsers available from your HDTV? If so, then I’m sure you’ve noticed, they’re all terrible. From PS3 to Xbox 360, to Internet enabled TVs, the user experience does not make sense at all. Attempting to click on a text link with that awkwardly large “mouse” pointer using the analog joystick, is painful to say the least. And the UI for most so called Smart TVs need drastic improvement.

New Apple MacBook Features Leaked

New Air-Like MacBook Pro

If you’ve been following the rumors about the new iMacs and MacBook Pros, you’ll be happy to hear that you’re wait might be over! There have been reports from multiple sources that suggest Apple will release new models within the next three weeks.

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